Electric humidors and traditional humidors are two popular choices for cigar enthusiasts looking to preserve and age their cigars effectively. Each type has its unique features and benefits, catering to different preferences and needs. In this article, we'll delve into the details of electric humidors and traditional humidors, comparing their key aspects to help you decide which is best for your precious cigars.



Cigar aficionados understand the importance of proper storage conditions for maintaining the flavor, aroma, and quality of cigars. Humidors play a crucial role in this regard, providing the ideal environment of controlled temperature and humidity. Electric humidors have gained popularity in recent years, offering automated control systems that simplify the maintenance process. On the other hand, traditional humidors, often made of wood, evoke a sense of heritage and craftsmanship, appealing to traditionalists. Let's explore these options further.


What is an Electric Humidor?

An electric humidor is a modern storage solution equipped with electronic components to regulate humidity and temperature levels automatically. These humidors often feature digital displays, hygrometers, and built-in humidification systems. Users can set their desired humidity and temperature settings, ensuring optimal conditions for their cigars without manual intervention.


What is a Traditional Humidor?

A traditional humidor is typically made of wood, such as Spanish cedar, known for its ability to absorb and release moisture gradually. These humidors rely on manual monitoring and maintenance by adding distilled water or humidification solutions to keep humidity levels stable. Traditional humidors are revered for their craftsmanship and aesthetic appeal, often considered a collector's item.


Comparison of Features

Temperature Control

  • Electric Humidor: Offers precise temperature control with digital thermostats.
  • Traditional Humidor: Relies on ambient temperature but maintains stability with proper sealing.

Humidity Control

  • Electric Humidor: Automated humidification systems ensure consistent humidity levels.
  • Traditional Humidor: Requires manual monitoring and refilling of humidification devices.

Ease of Use

  • Electric Humidor: User-friendly interface with preset options for humidity and temperature.
  • Traditional Humidor: Requires periodic checking and adjustment of humidity levels.


  • Electric Humidor: Low maintenance with automated systems but may require occasional cleaning.
  • Traditional Humidor: Regular maintenance involves seasoning, cleaning, and checking for leaks.


Pros and Cons of Electric Humidors


  • Precise humidity and temperature control.
  • Automated maintenance for convenience.
  • Suitable for larger collections.


  • Dependence on electricity.
  • Initial cost may be higher.


Pros and Cons of Traditional Humidors


  • Aesthetic appeal and craftsmanship.
  • No reliance on electricity.
  • Traditional experience for enthusiasts.


  • Manual maintenance can be time-consuming.
  • Limited capacity for large collections.


Which is Best for Your Cigars?

The choice between an electric humidor and a traditional humidor depends on your preferences, lifestyle, and collection size. If you value convenience, precise control, and have a larger collection, an electric humidor might be the ideal choice. On the other hand, if you appreciate tradition, craftsmanship, and enjoy the hands-on experience of cigar maintenance, a traditional humidor could be more suitable.



Both electric humidors and traditional humidors offer distinct advantages, catering to different needs within the cigar community. Ultimately, the best choice depends on your personal preferences, budget, and the level of involvement you desire in cigar maintenance. Whether you opt for modern automation or cherish the timeless charm of traditional craftsmanship, the goal remains the same - to preserve and enjoy your cigars to the fullest.


FAQs about Electric Humidors vs. Traditional Humidors

1. Are electric humidors more expensive than traditional humidors?
Electric humidors generally have a higher upfront cost due to their automated features and electronic components. However, the long-term savings in maintenance and convenience may justify the initial investment for some users.


2. Can traditional humidors achieve the same humidity levels as electric humidors?

Traditional humidors can achieve similar humidity levels as electric humidors with proper seasoning and maintenance. However, they require more manual monitoring and adjustment to maintain consistent humidity over time.


3. Do electric humidors require special maintenance compared to traditional humidors?

Electric humidors require less manual maintenance compared to traditional humidors. However, they may need occasional cleaning and calibration of electronic components to ensure accurate humidity and temperature control.


4. What are the energy requirements of an electric humidor?

Electric humidors consume minimal energy, typically equivalent to running a small electronic device. The energy usage depends on factors such as the size of the humidor, frequency of use, and ambient temperature conditions.


5. Can electric humidors be used for long-term cigar aging?

Electric humidors are suitable for both short-term storage and long-term aging of cigars. They provide stable humidity and temperature conditions ideal for preserving and aging cigars over extended periods, similar to traditional humidors.